Saturday 11 September 2010

9 + 1 + 1 = Heartbreak


Where was I 10 years past towards the bottom of the line?
Watching the breaking news at home, thinking the world was fine.
My system couldn’t process all the images in my mind,
And so I thought of empty planes and buildings in the sky.

It took a while to understand the evil that occurred.
Through all the noise and destruction cries of help could not be heard.
I never understood the why of devastation on that day,
And always thought; in the end it was the villains who would pay.

But 10 years on and here we sit, looking towards the sky.
Ever wondering why, as our days pass gently by.
We cry and mourn the loss of those that we never got to see,
And wonder if the future holds the peace that needs to be.

If time could stop that day would be the time it stood silently still.
And memories and fantasies would leave us with a chill.
What could have been a working day was a day the world forced change,
And here we sit, thinking about it, as an act of mournful-strange.

I think it is only right to mention as well as mourn this day. What was taken from us all as civilized people still has yet to be regained and has left us with a gaping hole inside that we cannot seem to shift.

Anybody who was alive and sitting at home watching the horror unfold on the news will understand the... emptiness I’m talking about here: it took a few days for me to realise that those planes were full of people – that those buildings were full of people. The entire horror unfolded for me as the shock finally subsided.

For those who were not around 10 years ago – for generations to come – that date, 9/11, will always be a stained date in the calendar. It will always be known as the time another world made us evaluate our lives and the society we live in today.

The arguments in the press today over a small minded preacher have only gone on to fuel people’s misery and hatred. I cannot see how any man of God could questionably consider such an act as vile as he did in the pursuit of religious tolerance – and yet he did.
And as he did, violence started. And violence will since until the furore has subsided.

His lack of awareness in religion and tolerance is not only astounding but reflective of a smaller, more darker, side to our civilization that needs to be addressed before it causes the world not only untold misery but unimaginable harm.

I can promise you this: if we carry on down this path, religion will be our downfall.

An Atheist.

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