Wednesday 22 September 2010

Ga-Ga About Sperm!


Dont panic people - I am not turning my blog into a hardcore sex-infested hole (however tempted I may be!) My title is merely the combination of two topics in the news that I found interesting!

First up, Lady GaGa and her awe-inspiring speech on gays in the military. Just when I think this Lady couldnt possibly make herself any more awesome, she stands up for the rights of all those people who cannot defend themselves and takes it straight from pop and into politics.

Gone was the funny wigs/make-up - and in was a more conservative look and exxagerated body-language to stress her point.
I watched in complete awe as she spoke how I would probably speak when addressing people on deep politcal issues: flailing my arms around why expressing my  own personal thoughts and feelings on the matter.

Lady GaGa is no longer a person but a very defining moment in our lives that needs to be loved, cherished and treasured for as long as humanly possible!



The second and last little bit I found interesting in the newspaper recently was the arrest of two gentlemen (who now face prison) for giving women access to sperm donars - Read it HERE!

I dont understand why. Other than the obvious reasons of course - but they are intuitive to anybody with an ounce of common-sense.

Also, consider that fact that a lot of women engage in one night stands for the purpose of conceiving a child - why crack down on the unregulated use of sperm over the internet when you could probably pay "Fat Alan" down the pub to do the job for you?

It makes no sense what-so-ever, you cannot ban one night stands, they just kind of happen - yet they share the same risks and rewards as unregulated sperm donation, so why is it illegal exactly?

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