Thursday 2 September 2010

The Good Old Days of Dream.


Back to basics. Easy on the eyes black and white with a few soft blue-grey's thrown in to tingle the Iris'.

There is something so much more elegant to black and white than their is the brighter (and nobler) colours. Something... not to sound ever-so-weird... but something primal about them. Almost as if they were the first to exsist; white chalk on a coal base...

Ok, getting weird - so moving onto weirder; Ive been having prophetic dreams again. Either that OR my intuition is being a bitch; suffice to say, most of what ive been dreaming has come true.
Granted, ive not been stuck in a cave surrounded by prehestoric lizards/dinosaurs that want to eat me (there were like 1000 of them!) AND my mother hasnt run up a £800 phone bill phoning my uncle Brian (who lives pretty close by) in L.A.

More mundanes things have been happening though, things that in a dream dont really stick out but when they happen in real life, its like "HOLY CRAP I DREMT THAT!" - like, during one dream a part of my front tooth fell out and I put it in my pocket and just went ahead with the dream and the next day: WHAM! "Where did that door come from? Gah I chipped a tooth!"
OR the dream about getting three bills at once... and then getting them in the post the next day.
Mundane right? Even my dreams are getting less adventurous. Kinda.

But still, random acts that even my intuition couldnt prodict... right? You dont bump into doors and chip your teeth every day do you?

I dreamt some other stuff too and it has really got me thinking... mostly stuff about 9/11 - which is obvious as the date is comming up that i'd be thinking about it - I DO have a tendency to overly worry - but basicly in my dreams, it happens again, 10 clicks to the west of where they fell the first time, and on a very unexpected community.
Other stuff is mostly aspect of my life best left for porn movies... god I hope THAT ONE happens... (vauge, yay)

I cant explain it... it's strange. We're all intuitive to a degree I suppose. But still... it's bugging me a degree further

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