Friday 10 September 2010



How does burning a Koran send a clear message to extremists?
I don’t get it.
How does generalizing an entire religion send a message to extremists that violence and religious intolerance will not be tolerated?

That is exactly like me pointing my finger across the Atlantic and saying “SHAME ON YOU AMERICANS!” – One man, just as a collection of individuals, does not constitute and entire nation.

*tuts Britishly (oooh yeah! I Adverbed! I’m that ill!)*

Still feeling a tad worse for wear as Captain Tripps turns me into a flu-pus-zombie (its possibly a cold... or nervous-system cancer aka manful) but just a little tid-bit to wrap your lobes around.
There is every chance I will elaborate on these things when I feel 100% but right now I’m running on 25.

As I was taking my cold/flu (aka nervous system cancer pills!) it got me thinking: could every day pharmaceuticals and man-made chemicals be stunting our evolutional growth?
Uppers, downers, happy pills, weight-gain/loss pills, processed vitamins, acne-pills, stomach pills, head pills ---- could we be (unintentionally) killing off the natural progress of human evolution?

What do you reckon?

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