Saturday 9 April 2011

Shock Saturday!

I had the most amusing idea today. It is kind of shocking and I only entertained the idea itself as it is something I would never ever think about - but I did.

Ok, my idea is a simple one:

PPI - Procreation Protection Insurance.

We all know that some of our most wonderful children in the world happened accidentally. I mean, let’s not pretend that quick romp in the broom closet at work was the most romantic place to try and conceive a child, but 50% of the time, children conceived this way turn out to be an amazing addition to our lives.

But what about the other "accidental" 50% which suddenly turn our lives upside down? They can be traumatic, stressful, can halt or finish careers and tear families - even the couples themselves - apart. These children can sometimes grow up in unhealthy, un-dynamic families where they can suffer all kinds of abuse which can scar them for life.

This is where PPI comes into play.

Let’s say that you are a man who has PPI insurance. Now you start paying a monthly fee (much as you would dental or health insurance) and you are required, by law, to always wear protection whilst engaging in sex.

Now let’s say you sleep with a woman and your protection fails and she falls pregnant. You decide you do not want a child at this time but the woman decides to keep the child - your PPI would cover this. The woman would receive insurance payouts for all the hospital and medical costs during pregnancy and then for the first year of the child’s life (to cover maternity expense and loss of earnings) - and that is it.
As you are covered with PPI, you wave your legal right to be a parent to this child. Including all the costs that go with it.

Now, before you start to fire off the angry e-mails to me, let’s take into account some facts from this fictional case:

A man cannot demand a woman have an abortion as it is her body.
A woman can demand a man pay for child support - even though he requested his desire not to have children.
For PPI to work, sexual protection in the form of condoms or the morning after pill or a diaphragm becomes a legal requirement during sex. If you were to have sex, whilst covered with PPI and not wear protection and then express your desire not to have anything to do with your child, your claim would become void and you would legally have to pay child support for the rest of the child’s early life.

Let’s reverse the role now and say that you're a woman. You have PPI insurance but you have managed to fall pregnant. You do not want to keep this baby; however, your significant other would love a child and requests that you keep it.

Legally, as it is your body, you are entitled to an abortion without your other half's consent. With PPI insurance, if your significant other requests it, you would (legally) have to bring the child to full term. All medical expenses would be paid during the pregnancy and for a year afterwards until you have returned to work or found meaningful employment.
After the birth, as you have PPI and have requested that you do not wish to be a part of the child’s life, you wave your right as a parent as well as any child support you would (usually) be required to pay.

Again, before you start to fire off angry emails to me about women's rights, let’s take into account some facts from this fictional case:

That a woman can have an abortion, even if the father is ready, willing and able to take care and provide for the baby, is grossly unfair. This should not be about a woman’s right to give birth or not, it should be about the equal right of both the man and the woman as it is required by nature itself for two people to conceive a child.

The woman in this case is covered by PPI, which would pay out every expense during the pregnancy, birth and for a year afterwards.
Also keep in mind that contraception is a legal requirement.

If either parent were to falter - example... they say "No I want to keep the baby" but they don’t do it - they will be prosecuted for fraud. They would have to pay out 18 years worth of insurance so that this baby can be cared for, free of charge, by a foster/adoptive family. They would also wave their legal rights as parents.


I know its kind of lame and it probably legally wouldn’t work - I mean how could you tell if that guy was wearing that condom? Or if she did take the morning after pill or not!

And again, as shocking as it sounds, this is just something I thought about whilst reading the newspaper. Just one random thought that I found entertaining to entertain.
So this is in no way my view of how the world should work.

Wow, my mind thinks of some weird things.

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