Thursday 18 November 2010

Falling back to Dream.


Ive had a dream. A dream that I have had before but many many years ago - and I remember that! But the details of this dream are sketchy.

I was woken abruptly as it concluded and I couldnt fall back into it so I couldnt finish it - and I cant seem to get it again. And its pissing me off.

The details are there but its like they're being surrounded by fog; like I can see their outlines, but that is all that seems to exsist of them.

I remember running, running from a hospital. A strange hospital where the nurses were friendly-beyond what they possibly should have been. Not sexy, but socially, they instantly became your best friends.

there was a car that I was driven in. It was driven by... somebody???

The nurses said that you cant hide from the monsters that lurk in the mental hospital. if you run and run fast through the rain, they will not catch up to you - but there is still a chance.

The monsters are four-legged animals... almost like furless dogs but with no eyes or ears - just teeth - and they run in packs, in big groups - like rats! I know there are hundereds of them!

Im telling you this because it is important to me. I had this exact dream when I was... wow... I think I was 7-14, I cant remember but I remember I was young when I had it. Putting my finger on how young though is a difficult task as I was MORE world-wise at the age of 7 than I was 14 (tee-hee)

But still, a dream from over 10 years ago that I fell back into. How amazing is that?

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