Saturday, 26 March 2011

The Face's of News

This morning I was sitting, yawning through the newspaper when I realised something: I hate journalists! And not just your random, run-of-the-mill journalists (who gave me HELL during my theatre days) but the journalists who also have to be on TV and think, for some obscure fucking reason, that writing about their own lives is for some reason news-worthy and get a dedicated two-part feature printed about them in the paper they work for (With added advertisement on the front page!!!)

I am incredibly sorry Sue Carroll (Mirror tacky-columnist since 1812) but I have sat through your page-long articles long enough and I shall hold my tongue no longer (read the article HERE):

Now you may be the most lovely and remarkable woman in the world, but - and this may shock you Sue Carroll - I don’t care that you have had cancer. I don’t care you put up a brave fight for eight months to overcome your cancer.
More power to you for doing so! But what exactly makes it news worthy when Jenny Elision from down the road is currently fighting it and has two young children to look after at the same time? Why should I care about you having and getting over cancer when Bob the plumber from the next town over also has it but has no family to lean on and no financial support to cover his loss of earnings?

Why do you deserve to be on the front page of a national newspaper? - Above a rather more interesting headline, may I add! And how much did you get paid for the pleasure of verbally spilling your guts out?

I can put up with Polly Hudson's fringe (even though it makes her look like a psycho-moose!) and questionable liking of Justin Beiber (which, frankly, borders paedophilic "Here is another picture of Justin looking HOT!"....) and her fantasy that she is, somehow, that character Sarah Jessica parker played from Sex and the City.

I can even (just about) put up with the laughable agony-aunt "PLEASE I NEED TO BE FAMOUS GET ME ON EVERYTHING" Coleen Nolan - Come on Coleen, let it go, the 70's is over, grow old gracefully and stop talking about sex, you're too old for it you trout-faced heffer!

But this reporter (I’m not including Coleen in that title because all she does is fucking moan about her sex life) and Coleen are bearable and do not invade the front page of a national newspaper, ABOVE headlines that are, frankly, more fucking important!

I am offended that anybody would think reading THAT article over the one about the troops being killed is, somehow, more newsworthy. Tactless and crass journalism with no thought for the "ordinary" people it claims to stand for!

I hope you feel at least a little bit of shame! Both Sue Carroll and the Daily Mirror!

Saturday, 19 March 2011

The Tides of Man


The moon is closer to the earth this evening, pulling not only on the ebbs and waves of the ocean, but on the tides of man and woman.

It makes my mind wander and wonder: how will this affect us? - how does it affect us? We are... what? Enter-percentage amount of water here - do we flow in currents too? In waves that lick the coast of our own emoiton?

Will it makes us braver for one night? Or meek for the weak? I havent heard any howls towards the sky yet...
Some people argue it's significance to the menstral-cycle. Other's attribute it to changes in our brain - it can make us blue or see such a red mist - "It brings out ALL the crazies"

I like the moon. I think it is pretty.

I wonder what the world woulkd be like without it. The many inspirations that we know of today would be nothing? Would we even have a word for it? Would our tides still rise and fall without it?

The Tides of Man.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Colour of Contradiction


Red. It is the colour of our hearts. The colour of blood. It symbolizes love, lust and passion.

It is also the colour of Stop, Danger, Anger and Dont.

Doesnt it just make you wonder?

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Somnium Erotica


I had the weirdest sex-dream last night. I wont go into details but suffice to say, I didnt realise I found such acts a turn on. It has genuinely left me contemplating certin aspects of myself.

Perhaps it's the sleep deprivation?

More questions than answers!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Big & Annoying!


Big-annoying day tomorrow! I have to get up at 7:30am to be ready for the electric people to come and rewire the entire house.

I just have this horrible gut-feeling that they're going to be aggressive-macho male-types who will take some morbid pleasure in complaining about me, to me.
I have to be on my A-game here. I have to be that guy who demands excellence. I have to be that guy I thought I had left behind; that guy who is all "Well it isnt fucking rocket-science, just get it done!"

Perhaps there is a strengh to being bossy and forward, but I would rather do with please and thank yous'.
On the plus side, im going to be sleepy (as im not a morning person AT ALL) and ergo, grumpy. I've noticed, during the mornings im awake, im more inclined to say what I think about a person with very little remorse for their feelings... untill late-afternoon.

So wish me luck world! And be kind! Im comming to get ya and there is sod all you can do about it!

Friday, 11 March 2011

A New Wave!


Readers, re-direct all your positive thoughts to the people of Japan. That was one mighty-big earthquake to hit such a small place on the map.

Send them all the good energy you can muster.


Thursday, 10 March 2011

Letting IT Go


No, not the scary clown IT, but the big pink elephant in the metaphorical room in-my-head IT: My anger. My Rage. My anxiety. My compulsive need to feel justice... in ANY form.

I feel like I get wronged and I cannot let go until I have been "righted", until I feel I have been vindicated in some way or another. I need to let this go, I read in a health journel that it can have a detremental effect on your bowels.

I need to write more. I wrote a few interesting poems the other day; interestingly enough, I felt as if I had almost channelled them from somebody else - they just dont seem like something I would write.
I wonder if that is possible? ... A Midsummer night's dream was apparantly based on a OBE/Dream but they had Opium availible over the counter in those days.

At least I wrote something eh? I feel the urge to add /Writted/ on the end there. heh.

Sunday, 6 March 2011



I passed.
I really dont think I should have. I nearly collided with a bus (The ass didnt indicate as he pulled out!) and right after that, I nearly hit a woman who was far too interested in her smart phone to notice I was seconds from impact - the bitch had the gall to call me an asshole!

I really thought I had failed because my driving tutor has been drilling into me (figurativly-speaking) the importance of "Perception being the KEY to a GOOD driver", and in all of 7 minutes, I had managed to evaporate into my own little mind and nearly kill people.

I guess my driving instructor didnt really care or noticed the incompetence of the people around me?
Hm. A victory is still a victory.

And now I have a week to relax until I have to stand a week full of of workmen re-wiring the house. I feel so exhausted.

Sleep is where I dream.

Friday, 4 March 2011



Tomorrow I have to take that fucking Rite O' Passage again! Which means an early relaxing night, early to bed, early to rise, balanced breakfast (so I dont vomit on the way there) A good shower, sitting in the car waiting for the instructor, riding with the instrutor there, sitting with the instructor why I wait for another one.

I hate my instructor, I really do - he comes across as a bit of a letch when it comes to women. All he talks about (other than driving) is how cute Holly was or how amazing it was to teach Amanda, or how Amy was funny or how Jessica had an annoying laugh.
I wish I had breasts.

Send out some positive vibes for me please. Im going to need them.

Thursday, 3 March 2011



I hate that word; If. As odd a word as it is to hate... I suppose the obvious choices would be "No" or "Dont" Or "Stop" - everything that applies when you really want to rape that good-looking stranger, but I digress - "If" annoys me.

"Why?!" I hear you squeal with clandestine-tones. Merely because it is a possibility. If is... something that COULD happen... something that COULD change. If is a thought-stream that travels from the causality-effect suburban-slip to the theoretical-causality highway, picking up hitchhikers of interest along the way.
If is... a possibility.

"So you hate possibilities?!" I hear, your confused voices giving me frown-face.
Yes. But only because I live in a world without them. This is my mind:

IF I had friends.
IF I had a job.
IF I had money.

Until my situation changes dramaticly (ROLL ON SATURDAY) I think I shall continue to rationally hate this word.