So tomorrow is "The Big Day!" or so im told. Tomorrow I take my driving test for the first time ever. After three months of forking out £20 per lesson (one lesson a week), I finally get the chance to show off everything I have learnt in order to gain a document that says I am legally allowed to drive on the motorway.
I didnt really give it much thought at the time, it didnt bother me that the D-day was fast approaching until my instructor said, during an idle conversation about driving, that it is a "rite of passage". As you can imagine - me being the master self-sabatour - my eyes widened with the horrible realization that he was indeed right, this is a huge under-taking that will impact the way I live my life.
So as you can imagine, ive felt this looming-sense of dread all day which is starting to reach its peak as bed-time approaches. To give you a vague idea of how much I am dreading tomorrow:
I am playing the Sims 3 - the only game that can suck away your time like a vaccum-cleaner - to take my mind of... well, time.
But it also got me thinking about the hilarity of the expression "Rite of Passage" and how broad a scope it actually covers. For example, if my first "Rite of Passage" into life was to drink a beer, then I covered that at 12 when I snuck a 6-pack of my dads into my woodland den and got sloshed. If it was smoking, then did that when I was 15, same with my virginity and gay-virginity (yes, a woman did "turn" me :P) so, after driving, what would be next? Having a stable relationship/job/home? Eating my first ever grilled-cheese? What would be the last rite of passage before death? Growing old? Gracefully? Disgracfully?
And what if I fail my "Rite O' Passage? Can you actually fail a Bonifide Rite O' passage?
How did people measure this claptrap?
I digress though. I am not worried about tomorrow, more as I am dreading making myself screw up some how. My driving instructor said I should try to achieve a perfect state of zen before I go, to be dolice, to listen to the comands given and, whilst not thinking about them, do them.
He was quick to add "To the best of your abilities..." to the end of that. Is that a bad sign?
Actually, in an attempt to counter-act negative energy, I made sure my test booking time was at 11:11 - 11 being a powerful cosmic number!
So start sending those positive vibes out to the universe for me, tomorrow will be an interesting day to say the least!