For the past few days I have been taunting myself for not actually being very "Artsie".
I had been craving to do some blending and shading skin-tones (I know, im weird!) but when push came to shove, I couldnt pick a pose I liked - so I decided to try a random portrait of my own:
We're talking no hard likes to guide me here, just brush-strokes and blending goodness. Well, I dont know what came over me because 2 hours later I looked at the time and realised it was 2am in the morning - I got into it, almost like I was in some kind of trance!
It is funny that I say that because, rule number of of shading and detailing is the most important: DONT SHADE AFTER DETAILING - but the eye... I really got into that eye, it was like... a trance! Really! I just had to finish that eye!
Dont ask me how I made it look so good. I dont know

Dont ask me why I made it that colour. It just felt like I had to.
Suffice to say, when I was done I did try to shade around it. Stupid of me, I know and I was lucky I stoped myself when I did because I ran out of backsteps. It is a shame because I was on such a roll!
I know it is beyond my skill right now to fix and finish it - but it deserves to be shown. The eye is worthy of it alone!
Fell free to finish it yourselfs - just show me when you're done. Im intrigued at what she wanted to be...