Tuesday, 11 January 2011

My Own Inception


Last night - as odd as this may sound - I had a dream within a dream!

In this dream within a dream, I knew I was dreaming! I was riding in the back of a car to my old childhood house when, in the street across the way, I saw a house that did not belong there. It was a small house standing on top of a large hill; it had perfect white walls and a blue roof with stained-glass windows depicting a boat sailing across an ocean.

I enetered the house but inside it was dull and drab. I reached out to touch the walls and I exclaimed, amazed "Wow, I know I am dreaming but it all feels so real" - which is when I "woke up".
I cursed to myself "All that time you have tried to dream lucidly and you ruin it!" and then proceeded to get on with my life as normal, when I actually did wake up. I lay in my bed, thinking to myself "...did that just happen?"

It really did. I dreamt that I was experiencing a dream. How weird am I eh?

Saturday, 1 January 2011

MINE! 1.1.11

A very simple word. Gained either through logic or sheer determination to experience change. Or perhaps prophesy of a future ahead.
As simple as the word is and as primal as its definition may be, "Mine!" (Exclamation point included) is my word for 2011.

Fuck you 2010. The utterly terrible ups and downs you have provided me do not need to be remembered reminisced or sang auld-langsyne in honour of their passing. This year - this New Year - is now mine.

I welcome this New Year into my life with a sober head and offer it a promise... nay, a few simple truths that I will stick to:

  • No matter what you have to offer, good or bad, I shall take it.
  • Should you not have what I require, I shall make you get it.
  • I shall pursue - relentlessly - my own selfish and indulgent needs.
  • I shall live you for every day and new experience you bring.
  • I will make you mine.
  • I will make everything I want mine.
  • Nobody shall stop be in achieving what I require.
  • I shall live this life and stop at nothing to belong to it.

So, again I say: Fuck you 2010. Welcome to my word 2011 - You won’t enjoy your stay, but I am going to.