Last night - as odd as this may sound - I had a dream within a dream!
In this dream within a dream, I knew I was dreaming! I was riding in the back of a car to my old childhood house when, in the street across the way, I saw a house that did not belong there. It was a small house standing on top of a large hill; it had perfect white walls and a blue roof with stained-glass windows depicting a boat sailing across an ocean.
I enetered the house but inside it was dull and drab. I reached out to touch the walls and I exclaimed, amazed "Wow, I know I am dreaming but it all feels so real" - which is when I "woke up".
I cursed to myself "All that time you have tried to dream lucidly and you ruin it!" and then proceeded to get on with my life as normal, when I actually did wake up. I lay in my bed, thinking to myself "...did that just happen?"
It really did. I dreamt that I was experiencing a dream. How weird am I eh?